You might be surprised to learn that one common household substance is not as benign as it appears. In fact, it might be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, hiding a cocktail of chemicals.

According to statistics, the average person ingests over two kilograms of toothpaste in their lifetime. Therefore, its chemical composition matters significantly. Let’s, for instance, analyze the composition of the universally known Colgate toothpaste. Colgate excels in distribution, so their tubes can be found in any supermarket around the globe.

Its ingredients include silicon dioxide, triclosan, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparaben, aluminum oxide, sorbitol, natural plant extracts, sodium saccharin, carrageenan, propyl betaine, and aromatic flavor additives. This list represents a mix of unidentifiable chemical stuff, and it’s unclear how the body reacts to it. Moreover, many manufacturers continue to add fluoride compounds to their toothpaste, as fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and prevents cavities.

However, it’s worth noting that iodine is an antagonist to fluoride. If a person also consumes iodine, it can somewhat neutralize the negative effects of fluoride. But many people who consume iodine for preventive purposes face bias from the official medical community.

Only a small percentage of people regularly consume supplements, replenishing deficiencies of micro and macro elements or vitamins, including iodine, and even fewer monitor their body’s content of these elements through testing. If against this backdrop, one uses fluoride toothpaste, purportedly beneficial for the teeth, the body’s iodine content diminishes.

Moreover, fluoride compounds in proven experiments disrupt melatonin, the sleep hormone. The more fluoride a person ingests, the more it can impact their sleep quality, depth, and productivity. Some sleep problems are tied to a deficiency of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and this situation shouldn’t be exacerbated.

Hence, we conclude that regular toothpaste contains components that can negatively affect a person’s health. Many people mistakenly believe that toothpaste is harmless to them and swallow it, especially children. In addition, toothpastes containing fluoride compounds negatively affect the thyroid gland, iodine content in the body, and the neurohormone metabolism.

Fluoride poisoning is also possible. Everyone knows that if you use dishwashing detergents, such as Fairy dishwashing liquid, you must rinse the dishes multiple times under running water to eliminate all traces of the active ingredient, which is toxic. Traces of Fairy on the plate are tough to remove with ordinary rinsing.

When I was working in a research laboratory in the early 2000s, one of the team members attempted to clean the metal plates used in our experiments with Fairy dish soap. As it turned out, after such cleaning and rinsing, these plates could no longer be used for soldering. We examined these plates under a microscope and noticed that Fairy leaves a microfilm on the surface, which is then extremely difficult to remove.

However, do people rinse their mouths thoroughly after brushing their teeth? Many simply rinse their mouths quickly, spit, and go to bed. Consequently, all that “dangerous paste” remaining in the mouth stays in the body. Furthermore, some dentists argue that you shouldn’t rinse out the paste because it contains strengthening components, fluoride, and antibiotics.

Yet, despite all this “science” and “technology”, most residents of civilized countries suffer from cavities to some degree. After the age of 30-45, people start losing teeth and have to drill, treat, and replace them. At the same time, if we look at the statistics, residents of Africa and indigenous tribes have less tooth decay, better occlusion, and healthier teeth overall.

There was a scientist-researcher and explorer named Weston Price who studied various tribes, including islanders and Native Americans, cut off from civilization. He wrote a remarkable book titled “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”, which I recommend to everyone.

In this book, based on numerous photos and examples, he presents the results of his research that repeatedly confirm the same thing. He shows that the more natural food a person consumes and the more raw products are in their diet, the better the condition of their teeth, gums, and occlusion. According to Price’s research, sugar, an excess of carbohydrates, and preserved products are particularly harmful to dental health.

Examples of this can be found not only among isolated tribes but also among, for example, Tibetan monks and other people living far from civilization. Interestingly, these people, despite not using modern means to clean their teeth, have a much lower rate of cavities than the residents of civilized countries and cities.

From this, we can draw a simple conclusion: the health of your tooth enamel and gums depends less on the type of paste you clean them with, and more on how exactly you eat, what products you consume, and what stresses you experience.

Toothpaste manufacturers tell us that fluoride hinders harmful microorganisms from decaying tooth enamel. So first, we cultivate harmful bacteria by feeding them sugar and carbohydrates, and then we resort to a sort of poison to kill these bacteria.

It is quite possible that certain specific types of stress can affect the state of the enamel. For instance, different organs might respond to particular types of stress: the lungs react to one kind, the liver to another, the skin to a third, and so on. Similarly, enamel also reacts to certain factors, such as separation anxiety.

Let’s consider a simple example: a boy named Oliver has perfectly healthy teeth as long as he is the only pet in the house. However, if a new large dog, say a Labrador, is introduced into the home, Oliver might develop cavities because he starts competing with the Labrador for the owners’ attention, food, and space. In nature, Oliver would likely have had to leave the territory, but this doesn’t happen in a domestic setting.

In a civilized society, humans or animals might experience stress related to the need to defend or compete for resources. This could be a pet forced to compete with other animals for its owners’ attention or a person feeling pressure at work or in relationships.

If there’s a desire or urge to defend or attack but no opportunity to do so for fear of more serious damage, this can lead to stress. For example, a small dog won’t be able to defend itself against a larger one because the larger dog could simply kill it. A similar situation might arise in human society: an employee may feel stressed for fear of getting fired, conflicts may arise between spouses, and children may feel dependent on adults.

In such situations, according to some theories, nature might start to decay tooth enamel so that the individual doesn’t harm themselves, because with decayed teeth, they won’t be able to bite and cause conflict. However, if there’s peace and harmony in the individual’s environment, and there are no territorial or other conflicts, the chances of developing cavities decrease.

Unfortunately, in modern society, many people experience various forms of pressure and stress, contributing to the development of cavities. From this, we can conclude that tooth health depends not so much on toothpaste, but rather on the state of the psyche, central nervous system, and nutrition. Natural products and avoiding an excess of sugar, starch, and other refined products in the diet promote dental health.

All these negative factors directly affect the condition of the teeth. This implies that toothpaste has only a microscopic significance. So why saturate it with fluoride or other chemical substances if, in the end, we get more harm from it than benefit?

From this, we can draw a simple conclusion: it’s better to use something entirely safe as toothpaste that doesn’t entail any negative consequences than to buy a chemically oversaturated paste that doesn’t bring any particular benefit.

Some people clean their teeth with baking soda, some with hydrogen peroxide, some chew special sticks, some use fine salt, and some make toothpaste on their own – there are plenty of options. However, no matter what you use to clean your teeth, the most important thing is to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward.

Personally, I clean my teeth twice a day by merely wetting the toothbrush with water. And only once a week do I use the safest homeopathic toothpaste possible. Why homeopathic? It’s not a toothpaste with homeopathy, it’s simply the most inert paste possible. Such pastes contain the minimum amount of caustic components that could affect the process of homeopathic treatment. And only once a month do I clean my teeth with regular toothpaste – just to give my body a slight jolt. I believe such a jolt is sometimes necessary.

The key is to avoid the stresses we’ve talked about and eliminate from the diet the products that decay the enamel or contribute to its decay. And, conversely, enrich the diet with beneficial natural products.


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