Let’s talk about an unsung hero in the bodybuilding universe – creatine, or in scientific terms, 2-(methylguanidino) acetic acid. This unique nitrogen-filled carboxylic acid plays a star role in energy transformation within our muscle and nerve cells. As one of the key players in sports nutrition, creatine comes in different avatars like monohydrate, hydrochloride, alpha-ketoglutarate, and tricreatine malate. In the bodybuilding sphere, creatine has a faithful following, being used extensively as a supplement to amp up strength, bulk up muscle mass, and improve short-term anaerobic endurance. The best part? It has a proven safety track record.

The Intriguing Story Behind Creatine’s Discovery

Our story takes us back to 1832, with French scientist Michel Eugène Chevreul making a groundbreaking discovery. Chevreul identified a previously unknown component within our skeletal muscles, which he appropriately named ‘Creatine’, inspired by the Greek word ‘kreas’, meaning ‘meat’.

Fast forward to 1835, the remarkable scientist Justus von Liebig verified Chevreul’s finding, confirming creatine as a regular ingredient in mammalian muscles. Around this time, the curious duo Heintz and Pettenkofer stumbled upon a substance in urine, which they aptly named ‘creatinine’. They theorized that creatinine was derived from the accumulated creatine in muscles. By the early 20th century, numerous studies were conducted on creatine, revealing it as a potential dietary game-changer. The most exciting finding? Not all ingested creatine was lost through urine; a significant portion found a home within the body.

In 1912 and 1914, the intrepid researchers Folin and Denis reported that adding a sprinkle of creatine to your diet could increase its content within muscle cells. Then, in 1923, Hahn and Meyer undertook a fascinating study which revealed that a 70 kg man had around 110 grams of creatine in his body. By 1926, it was scientifically validated that creatine intake boosted muscle mass growth by retaining precious nitrogen in the body. In 1927, Fiske and Subbarow unveiled ‘phosphocreatine’, a bonded duo of creatine and phosphate, which had a knack for hanging out in muscle tissue. These free forms of creatine and its phosphorylated cousin phosphocreatine were recognized as the star players in skeletal muscle metabolism.

The definitive ‘aha’ moment came in the late 1980s, thanks to the diligent efforts of Dr. Erik Hultman from Sweden. His research found that a daily dose of 20 grams of creatine monohydrate over 4-5 days could boost muscle creatine content by a whopping 20%. However, this groundbreaking research only saw the light of day in 1992, when it was published in the Clinical Science journal. And so began the epic saga of creatine’s rise to fame in the bodybuilding arena.

Back in 1993-1994, a unique idea was cooked up in the labs of the University of Nottingham by Greenhaff and his team. Their concept of “loading” followed by supportive dosages had everyone buzzing in the world of muscle research, particularly when it came to studying the impact of creatine loading on muscle tissues.

In the same year, the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine, Science and Sports published an eye-opening article. It showed that creatine usage could significantly boost body mass and muscle strength – and in just a week of use! It became crystal clear that this substance was the secret ingredient in enhancing the results of high-intensity workouts.

Fast-forward to 1994, when Anthony Almada and his team were making waves at the Women’s University of Texas. They were on a mission to show that the increase in body mass when using creatine was actually due to an increase in “dry” muscle mass, not fat. They found that taking creatine could also boost strength performance. Their findings, which they tested using the bench press exercise, were published in the Acta Physiologica Scandinavica.

From 1993 to 1995, the world of bodybuilding saw a lot of new dietary supplements, but none more popular than creatine. In fact, it was from this point that creatine began its triumphant march across countries and continents, making a name for itself in all sorts of sports.

In the early 90s, there were already some low-activity creatine supplements available in the UK. But it wasn’t until after 1993 that a high-quality creatine supplement, aimed at increasing strength performance and accessible to the average consumer, was developed. The company behind it? Experimental and Applied Sciences (EAS), who introduced creatine under the trade name Phosphagen.

In 1998, MuscleTech Research and Development launched Cell-Tech, the first supplement to combine creatine, carbs, and alpha-lipoic acid. This alpha-lipoic acid allowed an even greater increase in phosphocreatine levels in the muscles and the overall concentration of creatine. Though research in 2003 confirmed the effectiveness of this combo, it’s worth mentioning that the level of effectiveness was rather low.

But the folks at Sci Fit weren’t satisfied and pushed the boundaries even further. In 2001, they developed a new way of processing creatine called Kre-Alkalyn, which they dubbed as “breaking the creatine code”. This breakthrough caused quite a stir in the world of sports and bodybuilding journals. And they even patented it under No. 6,399,611. But fast-forward three years, and this news was replaced with another – the unfortunate proof that this approach fell short.

In 2004, the world heard about creatine ethyl ester (CEE) for the first time and its popularity skyrocketed. Nowadays, CEE is widely used and produced by many companies, alongside creatine monohydrate. However, its effectiveness compared to creatine monohydrate hasn’t been proven.

Also, in the past decade, several other forms of creatine have been synthesized, such as Tri-Creatine Malate, Dicreatine Malate, Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate, and Creatine Alpha-Ketoglutarate. However, these haven’t gained much traction due to their low effectiveness.

Unveiling Creatine: The Powerhouse Behind Your Muscles

Creatine, a natural substance found in the muscles of both humans and animals, is the unsung hero of our energy metabolism and movement. Picture this – we carry around about 100-140 grams of this magic compound, tirelessly working as a power source for our muscles. Under normal conditions, we consume approximately 2 grams of creatine daily. That makes it as essential to life as proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals. And the best part? Our bodies can synthesize creatine all by themselves from three amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine – the building blocks of protein.

Now, you might wonder where this process happens. Well, the enzymes involved in creatine synthesis are localized in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Creatine can be produced in any of these organs, and then whisked away by the blood to the muscles. An astonishing 95% of our total creatine pool is tucked away in our skeletal muscle tissues.

When we ramp up our physical activity, our creatine expenditure also scales up. That’s why it’s important to replenish its reserves either through diet or our body’s natural production.

One of the keys to achieving high performance in sports is the body’s ability to unleash vast amounts of energy in a short time frame. Generally, our body is continually generating energy by breaking down carbs and fats.

However, the direct energy source for our skeletal muscles’ contractions is a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The amount of readily available ATP is limited, making it crucial for athletic activity.

All fuel sources – carbs, fats, and protein – are first converted into ATP through various chemical reactions. ATP then becomes available as the only molecule the body uses for energy. When ATP releases energy to power muscle contractions, a phosphate group is detached, creating a new molecule called ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This reaction is reversible, thanks to creatine phosphate, an energy-rich substance.

Creatine pairs with phosphate in the body to form phosphocreatine, a crucial factor in energy production within muscle tissue. So, next time you flex those muscles, remember the powerhouse that’s making it all possible – creatine!

Unleashing the Power of Creatine: Your Ally for Unbeatable Strength and Form

Boosting Your Strength

When it comes to bodybuilding, high-intensity workouts mean your muscles need much more ATP than when at rest — we’re talking hundreds of times more. To keep those muscle contractions going strong and fast, your depleted ATP and phosphocreatine supplies need constant replenishing. Here’s where creatine monohydrate steps in. By increasing your phosphocreatine through creatine supplements, you can amp up your ATP levels, which in turn enhances your muscle strength.

Building Up Muscle Mass

With regular training and proper nutrition, it’s not unusual to gain 2 to 5 kg of lean body mass in a month. Recent studies prove that creatine monohydrate can up your maximum rep in bench presses by 10 kg in just a week, while improving sprinting capabilities. This boost in strength enables maximal growth-stimulating effects on the muscles. But remember, everyone’s body is unique, and not everyone may experience these effects. In some cases, sensitivity to creatine could be lower, resulting only in a slight increase in work capacity without a significant gain in strength.

Enhancing Muscle Quality

But that’s not all. Creatine also enhances the definition of your muscles. Creatine monohydrate binds with water as it is absorbed into muscle cells. The more creatine you store, the more water is drawn into the muscle cell. This explains creatine’s hydrating effect on muscle cells, which are made up of around 75% water. Bodybuilders often note that a well-hydrated muscle appears fuller, rounder, and more pumped.

Scientific studies show that when muscle cells swell due to superhydration, protein synthesis increases and protein breakdown is minimized (this can also enhance glycogen synthesis). This concept was first developed by EAS researchers Anthony Almada and Ed Byrd, and is now widely accepted in the sports nutrition industry.

Boosting Anabolic Hormones Secretion

Research indicates that creatine can enhance the secretion of endogenous anabolic hormones in response to training loads. These hormones include somatotropin and testosterone. Interestingly, the level of somatotropin only increases about 2 hours after creatine intake. This delay suggests that somatotropin release isn’t directly dependent on creatine, but is rather a secondary effect resulting from cellular response.

Further studies have identified that the supplement can boost insulin-like growth factor secretion by 15% compared to a placebo group. It significantly inhibits the formation of myostatin too.

According to researchers from Stellenbosch University in South Africa, creatine also increases the level of dihydrotestosterone – an androgenic metabolite of testosterone. With creatine on your side, you can push your limits and unlock your body’s potential!

Lactic Acid Buffer: Creatine to the Rescue

There’s evidence that creatine also acts as a lactic acid buffer. When your muscles work hard in anaerobic mode, they produce lactic acid, partly responsible for that burning sensation when you push your muscles to their limit. Recent studies by Dr. Michael Prevost from Louisiana State University (backing up previous research by Dr. Hultman’s team in Sweden) show that creatine can restrain the production and effects of lactic acid and speed up recovery time after short, intense exertion (like weight training).

The Extra Perks of Creatine

Now that we’ve delved into the main impacts of creatine beneficial for bodybuilding, let’s talk about some additional positive effects and advantages:

  • Using creatine as a dietary supplement positively affects the reduction of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and very low-density lipoproteins in the plasma (protecting your cardiovascular system).
  • Creatine may have anti-inflammatory effects in acute inflammation, local irritation, and chronic inflammation states (like arthritis, for instance).
  • The creatine/phosphocreatine system can provide protection for the central nervous system in conditions of ischemia and hypoxia (when there’s a lack of oxygen).
  • Creatine supplementation is used to treat diseases that cause muscle atrophy, creatine depletion, and neuromuscular disorders.
  • There’s ongoing research into creatine’s potential benefits in suppressing the growth of certain types of tumors in mammals. Some studies suggest that creatine may indeed have anti-cancer activity.
  • Creatine supplementation has been shown to positively influence athletic performance in vegetarians.
  • In chronic heart failure, cardiac creatine levels decrease; using creatine supplements in patients with such symptoms increases the amount of energy-rich phosphocreatine in skeletal muscles, and consequently, improves strength and endurance. In a study of fifty patients undergoing heart valve replacement surgery, creatine supplementation reduced arrhythmia by 75%.

So, not only can creatine boost your game in the gym, it also brings a host of other health benefits to the table. Why not give it a try and experience these bonuses yourself?

Who Can Benefit From Creatine?

From fitness enthusiasts and athletes to vegans and seniors, anyone looking to enhance their physical performance and overall health can significantly benefit from creatine.

Power Up Your Performance: Creatine for Athletes

Creatine is a real game-changer, particularly for enhancing short-term athletic performance, be it in sprinting, cycling, weightlifting, or bodybuilding. It’s ideal for sports that require bursts of speed or power – think jumping, accelerating, or making that final push. During these intense phases, your body taps into creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine) for energy. Creatine supplements can also be beneficial when high-intensity exercise alternates with low-intensity exercise or rest. This is a typical scenario in team sports like basketball, football, hockey, combat sports, tennis, athletics, and sprinting, which involve short explosive muscle contractions, followed by brief rest or recovery periods.

Seemingly, creatine helps maintain a high level of rapid energy supply to the body and prevents the rise of ammonium ions in the blood plasma, which could otherwise slow down physical activity.

Pack on the Pounds: Creatine for Muscle Gain

Supplementing with creatine can enable you to train harder and for longer, ultimately leading to faster muscle growth and increased strength. For example, in a study conducted by Conrad Earnest and his team at the Southwest Medical Center and Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas, bodybuilders added an average of 1.6 kilograms to their lean body mass in just a month with creatine supplementation.

A Swedish sports physiologist observed that weightlifters using creatine could gain 2.1 (or more) kilograms of muscle mass. Practical experiences have shown that an increase in total creatine can contribute to weight gain. Many athletes supplementing with creatine have reported an increase in water retention inside muscle cells, which boosts cell volume. This results in muscle tension (muscle tone) improvement, making the muscles more responsive to training. A 75-kilogram weightlifter can increase their weight by 2-4 kilograms. While some of this weight gain reduces once creatine supplementation stops due to increased water excretion (similar to the effect seen with diuretics some athletes use to cut weight before competitions), a portion of the actual muscle mass gain remains. This leads to better “spring-like” properties in the muscles, allowing them to handle heavier loads with ease!

Boost Your Diet: Creatine for Vegetarians

Since vegetarians don’t consume meat, the primary source of creatine, they can especially benefit from a little extra creatine boost. And it’s not just about boosting athletic performance in bodybuilding, but about overall health as well.

Slim Down with Power: Creatine for Weight Loss

In 1994, Anthony Almada and his team conducted a study at the Women’s University of Texas, aiming to demonstrate that weight gain from creatine use is solely due to an increase in lean muscle mass and that creatine enhances strength. The study findings were published in the journal “Acta Physiologica Scandinavica”. In the four years that followed, at least twenty independent university studies found that using creatine monohydrate enhances workout results, strength metrics, recovery speed, and, as a consequence, accelerates fat loss.

Maintain Your Fitness: Creatine for Staying in Shape

You’ve already read about the myriad of benefits this supplement brings. Considering its high safety profile, it’s hard to ignore all the advantages creatine can offer a healthy individual in maintaining top physical form, high vitality, and mental agility.

Creatine: Age and Gender

Creatine use is typically associated with the male population, aged between 18 to 35 years old. Scientific studies conducted in such groups have indeed confirmed both the effectiveness and safety of creatine. However, its effects on children, the elderly, and women have been far less studied. Theoretically, there’s no compelling reason to think that the primary mechanism of creatine action varies by age or gender. Nevertheless, slight differences may exist, and the details and causes of these will be examined further below.

Creatine and Kids: Safety and Concerns

The safety of creatine for younger people is a frequently discussed topic on forums. Many scientists agree that it’s best to hold off on creatine supplementation until after puberty. The primary reason is that the long-term effects of creatine supplements are still not fully understood. In other words, if there are delayed side effects, young athletes who have used creatine could be most susceptible, more so than adults. Additionally, recent research has shed light on a previously unknown mechanism of how creatine impacts cellular metabolism and anabolism. We’re still not sure if we can completely rule out the risk this might pose for children.

On the other hand, should children even aim to exceed their natural strength capabilities? Remember, creatine supplements primarily increase muscle contraction strength over short periods of physical activity. Given this, some experts are concerned that excessive mechanical strain on a still developing skeleton could lead to deformations and displacements of bone structures.

Therefore, it can be concluded that creatine supplements should be safely introduced only after reaching sexual maturity. The onset and pace of sexual maturity are determined by a mix of genetic factors and environmental influences. The age range for sexual maturity can widely vary and generally falls between 8-9 to 16-17 for girls, and 10-11 to 19-20 for boys. For girls, the end of sexual development can be marked by the onset of regular menstrual cycles. For boys, pinpointing a precise moment can be challenging, so secondary sexual characteristics serve as a guide. By the time these are fully developed, it should be safe to begin taking creatine.

Creatine and the Elderly: Age-defying Power Booster

Phosphocreatine levels in muscles tend to decrease with age, partially accounting for reduced strength and increased fatigue often seen in the elderly. Creatine supplements can potentially reverse these unwanted age-related changes. Several modern studies support this notion, showing health and strength improvements in individuals over 50 who took creatine. Intriguingly, the effectiveness of creatine supplements seems to increase with age.

Surprisingly, the effectiveness of creatine supplementation sharply drops after 70. This could be due to a coinciding decrease in endogenous anabolic hormones, and the selective reduction of type II muscle fibers, which are the primary consumers and executors of creatine’s action.

But don’t fret over this, because it’s easily avoidable through regular physical activity. An active lifestyle can maintain high levels of anabolic hormones and prevent the loss of type II muscle fibers.

Moreover, it’s been found that creatine can hinder the development of certain mental and neurodegenerative diseases associated with old age, reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease, and enhance DNA methylation. Many scientists assign a central role in aging to the decrease in DNA methylation activity.

Still, remember that in rare cases, creatine can slightly increase blood pressure. Hypertension is a common issue in old age, so make sure to monitor your blood pressure levels when starting on creatine supplements.

Creatine and Women: The Subtle Strength Enhancer

Several recent scientific studies have explored the effects of creatine on women with various fitness levels. These studies revealed that while creatine does boost women’s strength, the effect is less pronounced compared to the men participating in the same studies. Creatine supplements showed a more potent effect, attributable to higher testosterone levels.

Thus, creatine can be recommended for women, especially those aiming for weight loss. When slimming down, creatine supplements can help increase workout intensity, thereby accelerating fat breakdown. Plus, creatine can help maintain muscle mass, which often significantly reduces during fasting. From this, it becomes clear that creatine is not only useful for gaining muscle mass but also for shaping a beautiful feminine figure.

Creatine FAQ

In Which Form is it Best to Take Creatine?

Based on numerous studies, creatine monohydrate is considered the most effective and well-studied form of creatine. It has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving physical performance, especially in short-term and high-intensity exercises. Most studies validating the effectiveness of creatine in bodybuilding and sports have specifically investigated creatine monohydrate, so it’s the choice for most athletes. Moreover, creatine monohydrate is the most affordable form of creatine, offering excellent value for money.

How to Increase the Absorption of Creatine?

To increase the absorption of creatine, it is often advised to take creatine with a transport system. These systems usually include ingredients that stimulate insulin, such as simple carbohydrates and amino acids. The increased insulin activity helps deliver the creatine to your muscles more efficiently, enhancing its absorption and effectiveness. This can result in improved muscle energy, workout intensity, and potential muscle growth. Additionally, it’s generally recommended to stay well-hydrated when taking creatine to further support its absorption.


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