Allergies, asthma, intestinal spasms, migraines – at a glance, what could possibly link these varied conditions? The answer lies in the world of parasites. These crafty organisms cleverly hide within our bodies, often going unnoticed even with detailed diagnostics, and can be the root cause of numerous ailments. But why is the topic of parasites rarely addressed in mainstream medicine? How can one self-determine the presence of worms and establish a connection between them and one’s ailments? What symptoms should one particularly watch out for? And what route to recovery should one choose: resorting to powerful medications or are there alternative methods? How can one avoid infections, for instance, from pinworms? Let’s explore their impact on human health, and discuss ways to combat them.

Parasites in the Human Body

The human body can be a host to a plethora of parasitic creatures. These unwelcome “tenants” are categorized by doctors into two main categories:

  1. Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Parasites: These creatures reside in various parts of the GI tract, whether it’s the small or large intestine, stomach, or bile ducts. Herbal infusions and specialized medications are often recommended for their elimination.
  2. Parasites residing in other internal organs: They can inhabit the kidneys, muscles, eyes, and even the brain. Treating such parasites requires the use of potent drugs based on chemical compounds.

There are numerous types of parasites that can infect both children and adults. Their prevalence can vary depending on the region. For instance, in Europe, the most commonly encountered ones include the liver fluke, trematode, roundworm, pinworm, and various types of tapeworms and ribbon worms. These parasites can cause various GI tract disorders, including inflammation and dysfunction.

Among parasites that inhabit other organs, echinococcosis, trichinosis, and filariasis are of particular interest. Echinococcosis can lead to cyst formation in various organs, trichinosis targets the muscles, and filariasis can affect nearly all organs, including the eyes and brain.

Paths of Parasite Infection: How They Enter Our Body

Infection by parasites can occur in various ways. Doctors classify these pathways into several primary types: fecal-oral, contact, through blood (hematogenous), and aerosol. At times, these methods of infection can combine, leading to what is termed as mixed infection.

Fecal-oral Route of Infection

This transmission method, relevant for parasites such as helminths, is based on their migration from an infected organism through feces and subsequently entering a healthy organism through the oral cavity and digestive system. An example is the use of animal and bird excrement as fertilizer for agricultural land. Consuming products grown in such areas without proper heat treatment (e.g., carrots or green vegetables) can lead to infection.

Additionally, drinking water from unreliable sources, like wells or disrupted water supplies, can be a cause of fecal-oral transmission.

Parasites can also spread through everyday objects: shoe soles, handrails in public transportation, or toilet flush buttons in public restrooms. By touching contaminated surfaces, an individual risks introducing parasites into their system, from where they can once again re-enter the environment, continuing their lifecycle.

Contact Transmission

Parasites can penetrate the human body, regardless of age, through the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. Such infection often occurs during direct contact with an infected individual, be it a handshake, kiss, hug, or even sexual contact.

Furthermore, there’s the domestic contact route of parasite transmission. In this instance, an infection can happen through surfaces that an infected person has touched: benches, handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, and many others.

Additional Routes of Infection

Infections can also occur through other means. For instance, parasites and their larvae can enter the body through the respiratory system (aerosol or aspiration method) or via the bloodstream (hematogenous method). There are also combined methods of transmission. If someone, disregarding hygienic standards, prepares food without proper heat treatment (e.g., salads or sandwiches), and a healthy individual consumes it, this can lead to the onset of a disease.

Detecting Parasites in the Body: Methods and Their Efficacy

Parasites can inhabit almost any part of the human body, regardless of age. Given their diversity and ability to disguise themselves, it’s crucial to know how to detect them correctly.

Coprological Examination

The most common method in medicine is the coprological test, where a patient’s stool is examined. However, this method has low efficiency because the eggs and waste products of parasites can be unevenly distributed in the sample. Thus, the probability that the right segment gets viewed under a microscope is relatively low. Additionally, the quality of the research may depend on the lab technician’s skill and responsibility. As a result, even a negative test doesn’t guarantee the absence of parasites in the body.

Blood Analysis

Blood analysis aims to detect specific types of parasites, making it less versatile considering the myriad of different parasites. A patient might need to undergo numerous tests, paying for each separately. Furthermore, the results of these tests can be imprecise due to parasites’ ability to suppress the immune system, making their detection challenging.

Despite the availability of medical diagnostic methods, the complete and accurate detection of parasites remains a complex task. Negative test results do not always guarantee the absence of parasites in the body.

How to Know if You Have Parasites

Infections from parasites can manifest through various symptoms, often challenging to directly associate with parasitosis. However, recognizing these primary indicators can help identify a potential parasitic presence in the body:

  1. Digestive Tract Symptoms:
  • Occasional abdominal pains unrelated to eating.
  • Uncomfortable sensations in the stomach, temporarily relieved by massaging but quickly returning.
  • Vomiting, resembling digestive tract infection symptoms.
  • Bowel irregularities: diarrhea or constipation without clear reasons.
  • Pain in the appendix area.
  1. Physical Appearance Changes:
  • Coating or ulcers appearing on the tongue.
  • Nail issues: brittleness or separation from the nail bed.
  • Emergence of acne, pigment spots, or papillomas.
  • Cracking of the skin on the heels.
  • Swelling on the face or legs resembling allergic reactions.
  1. Neurological and Psychological Manifestations:
  • Insomnia.
  • Grinding of teeth during sleep.
  • Unexplained headaches.
  • General fatigue and weakness.
  1. Other Symptoms:
  • Anal itching, especially at night.
  • Allergic reactions without an evident allergen.
  • Breathlessness similar to asthma attacks.
  • Unexplained fluctuations in body temperature, blood pressure, or rapid heartbeat.

Interesting Fact! Studies have shown a rise in epilepsy cases in societies with growing parasite populations:

  1. Toxocara canis and Epilepsy: Research has identified a link between Toxocara canis (a canine parasite) and epilepsy. This parasite can cause a disease known as toxocariasis, which, in turn, may be associated with the onset of epilepsy in humans. Source.
  2. Neurocysticercosis: This condition is caused by the larvae of the pork tapeworm and is a leading cause of symptomatic epilepsy in developing countries. Studies have shown that an infection by this parasite can lead to the onset of epilepsy. Source.
  3. Parasites and Epilepsy in Africa: Research conducted in Africa has demonstrated that infections caused by parasites, such as malaria or trypanosomiasis, can be linked to the development of epilepsy. Source.

These studies confirm that parasites can play a role in the onset of epilepsy in humans. However, it’s essential to note that many other factors can influence the development of this condition, with parasites being just one of the potential risk factors.

How to Protect Yourself from Parasites

However, one can significantly reduce the risk of infection by following simple hygiene guidelines:

  • Wash your hands after returning from outside, spending time in public places, and before eating. Warm water is sufficient. Avoid overusing soap. Moreover, refrain from using the disinfectants that became popular after 2020, as they can strip away your natural beneficial microbes – your frontline defense against threats.
  • Always thoroughly cook meat and fish before serving. It’s important to note that such foods should be stewed, fried, or boiled for at least 20 minutes.
  • Eliminate dried and cured fish from your diet, as consuming such dishes considerably increases the risk of worm infections.
  • If you have pets, do not skimp on their parasite treatments. A parasitic infection in a pet can lead to illnesses in its owner and the entire family, necessitating treatment for both the animal and the people.

Parasite Treatment

If you have identified potential signs of parasitic infection in yourself, it’s advisable to take a course of functional antihelminthic medications as a preventive measure. Such treatment programs can be categorized into two types: herbal and pharmaceutical. Both have their pros and cons.

Herbal Remedies: How to Naturally Kill Parasites in Your Body

These recipes have been refined over the centuries. Our ancestors could rid the body of flatworms using specific herbal mixtures, tinctures, and concoctions.


  • Natural ingredients.
  • No negative impact on the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.


  • Not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
  • Potential for individual intolerance.

Additionally, a downside of such treatments is the typically bitter taste of the concoctions. Herbal mixtures often taste unpleasant, making treatment challenging, especially for children.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

These are modern chemical remedies for treating helminthiasis, developed using the latest medical technology.


  • High “bioavailability” of the drugs, which circulate throughout the body with the bloodstream, targeting parasites in any organ.
  • Quick results.


  • Can have adverse effects on some internal organs.
  • Risk of acquiring substandard medications.

Homemade Anti-Parasitic Herbal Mix for Worms

You can prepare a herbal mixture at home that has proven effective in combating worm infections.


  • Wormwood – 3 parts
  • Ground cloves – 3 parts
  • Thyme (also known as common thyme or garden thyme) – 2 parts
  • Tansy flowers – 1 part
  • Knotgrass – 2 parts
  • Peppermint – 1 part

Add 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture to 500 ml of boiling water. Let it steep for 40 minutes, then strain.

Consume the prepared solution throughout the day, drinking water alongside. The suggested treatment regimen is to take the mixture for 2 weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks.

Typically, the treatment is recommended for 3 months, or until symptoms disappear. It’s advisable to consume this preventive measure at least once a year.

Parasite Prevention

The best preventive measure against parasitic infections is a healthy stomach and proper bile flow. If the gastrointestinal tract is functioning well, the stomach’s acidity level will remain optimal. This means that even if you ingest worm eggs from unwashed vegetables and fruits, sushi, rolls, or other unprocessed foods, parasites are likely to perish in the stomach without causing disease. If some do survive, the strong bile will finish them off.

That’s why I emphasize that with a properly functioning stomach and normal bile flow, you won’t need to get tested for worms, and many other diseases won’t threaten you either. You’re naturally protected against worm infections. After all, most parasites enter the human body from time to time through the fecal-oral route.

Pay attention to your health, adhere to personal hygiene rules, and avoid questionable foods. Avoid overexerting yourself at work, which can weaken your immune system. These are the main guidelines for preventing parasitic infections!

Don’t be afraid of the topic of worm treatment. For some reason, in our times, even among doctors, this topic is seen as taboo. This adversely affects the diagnosis of parasitic infections. A specialized doctor you visit with complaints like stomach pain, migraines, shortness of breath, or deteriorating vision will probably consider a parasitic infection as a last resort—if they even consider it at all! Their standard treatment experience and contemporary medical policies often overshadow this consideration.

As a result, you might be prescribed potent chemical drugs to treat non-existent diseases, while the real cause of your ailment—worms—remains unaddressed.

Parasites and Inflammation

Parasites and inflammation are interlinked in various ways. Parasitic infections often lead to inflammation in the host as a response to the invading organisms. Here is a brief overview of how parasites can induce inflammation and the implications of this response:

  1. Innate Immune Response: When parasites invade the body, they are often recognized by the host’s innate immune system. Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) detect pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that are unique to the parasites. Once these PAMPs are recognized, a cascade of events is initiated leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which cause inflammation.
  2. Adaptive Immune Response: In response to parasitic infection, the adaptive immune system gets activated. This involves T cells, B cells, and the production of antibodies. Some T cells, such as Th1 cells, release inflammatory cytokines, while others, like Th2 cells, release cytokines that can suppress inflammation. In many parasitic infections, a Th2 response is dominant. However, an unbalanced Th2 response can lead to excessive inflammation and tissue damage.
  3. Eosinophils and Mast Cells: These cells are particularly important in defending against helminthic (worm) infections. Their activation can lead to inflammation. Eosinophils can release substances that are toxic to parasites but can also damage host tissue.
  4. Granulomas: Some parasites, especially those that aren’t easily cleared, can lead to the formation of granulomas. Granulomas are organized collections of immune cells that wall off and contain the parasite. While this can be protective, granulomas can also cause tissue damage. For example, the formation of granulomas in the liver during a Schistosoma infection can lead to liver damage.
  5. Chronic Inflammation: If a parasitic infection is not cleared, it can lead to chronic inflammation, which can be harmful to the host. For instance, chronic inflammation in the gut due to Giardia or Entamoeba histolytica infection can cause malabsorption, weight loss, and other complications.
  6. Autoimmunity and Cross-Reactivity: Sometimes, the immune response against a parasite can mistakenly target the body’s own tissues, leading to autoimmune reactions. This is believed to occur due to molecular mimicry, where some parasite proteins resemble the host’s own proteins.
  7. Implications: Chronic inflammation due to parasites can lead to various complications. For instance, chronic inflammation due to some liver fluke infections can increase the risk of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). Chronic inflammation in the gut due to certain parasites can increase the risk of colorectal cancer.
  8. Treatment and Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Treating parasitic infections often reduces inflammation. Additionally, there’s some evidence suggesting that certain parasitic infections might help regulate the immune system and reduce inappropriate inflammation. For example, helminth therapy, where individuals are deliberately infected with certain parasites, is being explored as a potential treatment for autoimmune diseases and allergies.

In today’s age, discussing the necessity of worm diagnosis should be done openly, as it’s a pressing reality. Ignoring the “taboo” topic of such infections can result in severe health issues due to the multiplication of parasitic worms and the side effects of chemical medications, or the use of ineffective and sometimes harmful dietary supplements.

If you notice signs of parasitic infections, don’t delay treatment. Opt for traditional remedies or medicinal treatments to tackle the infestation at early stages! Take care of yourself and monitor your health to respond promptly to potential issues.

Pay attention to loved ones for signs of worm infections and other parasitic creatures. Even better—share this article link with them, offering treatment options and information about parasitic worms and their larvae, so they too can be informed!

Neglecting the development of conditions like helminthiasis, enterobiasis, and other parasitic diseases is perilous. It’s unpredictable how they might harm the body—be it issues with the stomach, liver, kidneys, or even affecting hearing, vision, and the brain. Don’t gamble with parasitic worms, pushing yourself to the point of hospitalization or surgical intervention. Listen to your suspicions, undergo treatment, or take preventive measures. Don’t give them a chance to overtake your body!

In light of all this, it’s essential to note that often, the key to well-being isn’t just treating worms but accurate diagnosis and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. The content presented on this website should be considered solely as opinions and personal experiences. Read more

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