When you start seeing the first results in fitness, there’s a real risk of overdoing it. You might feel the urge to progress in every workout. Does this sound familiar? Do you feel like you’re obliged to increase your load today, to add a bit more weight than last time?

In the long run, this can harm your body and central nervous system. As soon as you catch yourself getting drawn into this mindset, change your focus:

  • Switch to a gentler type of exercise. For example, if you’ve been doing the classic 3 sets of 12 reps, try training for a pump by significantly reducing the weight and increasing the number of reps to 15-25.
  • Take a week off. It’s recommended to rest completely from exercise for at least one week every two months to reboot and restore the central nervous system. And no, this won’t halt your progress. On the contrary, after such a break, many people break through their plateau and reach a new level: chronic micro-injuries heal, and local swelling subsides.

When was the last time you spent a whole week without any physical strain?

  1. Understanding Overtraining: Overtraining can lead to both physical and psychological issues. Symptoms include prolonged muscle soreness, fatigue, insomnia, and decreased performance. It’s crucial to listen to your body and allow adequate recovery time. Source: American Council on Exercise
  2. Alternating Workout Intensity: Alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity workouts can prevent overtraining. For instance, if you’re used to high-weight, low-rep workouts, switching to low-weight, high-rep sessions can give your muscles a different kind of stimulus while allowing recovery. This approach is backed by the concept of periodization in training. Source: National Strength and Conditioning Association
  3. The Importance of Rest Weeks: Taking a rest week every two months is not just about physical recovery; it’s also about mental rejuvenation. This break can prevent burnout and maintain motivation. Studies show that a short-term break from training does not significantly impact muscle strength or endurance and can actually contribute to better long-term progress. Source: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
  4. CNS Recovery: The Central Nervous System plays a crucial role in your training. Overloading it can lead to decreased performance and increased risk of injury. Activities like yoga, meditation, and even light walking can aid in CNS recovery. Source: International Journal of Sports Medicine
  5. Plateau Breaking: After a rest period, many athletes find they can increase their performance, known as ‘breaking the plateau.’ This is because rest allows the body to fully recover and adapt to the stresses placed upon it, leading to improved strength and endurance. Source: Sports Medicine

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a race. Balancing intensity, variety, and rest in your training regimen is key to long-term success and health.


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