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Dr. David Sinclair is an esteemed biologist and professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, best known for his groundbreaking work on aging and longevity. He’s a co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging, and his research focuses on understanding the mechanisms that drive aging and how to slow it down. This work has earned him recognition as one of Time magazine’s “100 most influential people in the world”. Sinclair focuses on epigenetic changes, modifications that affect gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself, as a key driver of aging. He posits that aging might be viewed as a “loss of information” problem at the epigenetic level. David is a co-founder and scientific advisor of Tally Health, a company that produces TallyAge – an innovative, at-home testing kit that analyzes biological age.

In terms of his youthful appearance, this is largely attributed to his extensive knowledge about aging processes and how to decelerate them. Sinclair follows a rigorous lifestyle routine that he’s designed based on his scientific understanding of aging. This includes a carefully planned diet, regular exercise, a targeted supplement regimen (including resveratrol and NMN – Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), and other strategies aimed at enhancing cellular health and vitality. These practices, which he espouses in his teachings and writings, are believed to be key contributors to his own youthful vitality.

Sinclair is an advocate of the idea that aging should be classified as a disease. This perspective underscores his approach to maintaining his own health and youthful appearance, which involves not just preventing illness, but actively promoting cellular and overall health to slow the aging process.

I conducted a study of ten of the most prominent scientists and practitioners in the field of anti-aging, and David Sinclair emerged as one of the highest-ranking among them. In my research, you can explore how their visual age has changed over the past few years: Examining Notable Personalities with Age-Detecting Software for Their Anti-Aging Secrets

Moving forward, I am keen to delve deeper into David Sinclair’s lifestyle. I’m particularly interested in his dietary habits, supplement intake, and the intricacies of his daily routine. Does he drink coffee? Is meat part of his diet? These are among the facets of Sinclair’s life that I am eager to explore in more detail.”

David Sinclair Diet and Supplements

Sinclair practices a form of intermittent fasting, typically skipping breakfast and sometimes lunch. His eating window is often limited to 6-7 hours a day. This type of eating pattern aligns with a “16/8” intermittent fasting schedule, meaning he fasts for roughly 16 hours and eats within an 8-hour window each day. The meals he does consume are nutrient-dense, including a variety of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Lean proteins are proteins that contain relatively low fat. Examples include fish and seafood, such as tuna and shrimp, kkinless chicken and turkey breasts, certain cuts of meat like sirloin steak and pork tenderloin, eggs, plant-based proteins including lentils and tofu, low-fat dairy products like Greek yogurt, certain lean deli meats.

Healthy fats are found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, and fish. They also include omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseeds.

David advocates less frequent eating to optimize genes for longevity, highlighting the importance of fasting periods. This stress induces a beneficial metabolic shift, enhancing sirtuins and AMPK while reducing mTOR, leading to improved health outcomes in various conditions. He emphasizes individuality in choosing a fasting method, suggesting that one’s lifestyle, pain and hunger tolerance, and microbiome should dictate the approach.

David does eat meat, but only occasionally and often after workouts. Despite this, his diet primarily leans towards vegetarianism, as he obtains most of his vitamins and proteins from plant-based foods. He acknowledges that while red meat may be beneficial for athletes or those looking to bulk up, evidence suggests that high-protein, red meat-based diets may not be advantageous for longevity due to their potential effects on sirtuins and mTOR, which are implicated in aging and autophagy processes. He also strongly advises against high sugar intake due to its potential negative impacts on longevity and health.

David says that for a long time, he avoided cream sauce and eggs, despite really loving them. However, now he’s started eating them regularly and he notes that they are nutritious.

In this tweet, David admits that he drinks coffee in the mornings, occasionally adding a bit of milk: He also notes: “DNA damage will alter your epigenome as well, likely accelerating aging. Drinking 3-4 cups/day appears to protect against neurodegeneration, asthma, liver disease, and cancer”. Yes, for those addicted to coffee, this is your celebration!

Sinclair takes several supplements daily, some of which are based on his own research into cellular aging. His daily regimen includes:


A compound found in the skin of red grapes, thought to activate certain sirtuin genes, which are linked to longevity. David reported that he takes 1000 mg of resveratrol daily. He has mentioned in interviews and in his book “Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To” that he usually takes it in the morning mixed into yogurt (e.g. a Greek yogurt) or a spoon of olive oil because resveratrol is fat-soluble, meaning it absorbs better when consumed with a small amount of fat.

Resveratrol at iHerb

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)

This is a precursor to NAD+, a compound that decreases as we age. NAD+ is critical for the health and longevity of our cells. David enhances his metabolism and promotes healthy aging by taking 1 gram of NMN daily. When combined with resveratrol, this regimen is believed to boost NAD+ synthesis synergistically. Research suggests this daily dosage of NMN can potentially double NAD levels within ten days, offering possible benefits such as increased energy, improved insulin sensitivity, and sharper mental acuity. These positive effects can often be observed within weeks.

David recommends taking of NMN in the morning to raise NAD levels, aligned with the circadian rhythm. It’s important to measure effects after at least nine days to observe lower doses. Taking NMN or resveratrol at night can disrupt sleep patterns. NAD boosters when traveling help reset the body’s clock. The choice to take them at night or in the morning depends on personal preference.

NMN at iHerb

Comparing NMN and NAD+

Both NAD+ and NMN have potential anti-aging benefits due to their roles in cellular function and metabolism. NAD+ levels naturally decrease with age, potentially increasing the risk of several health conditions. NMN, a precursor to NAD+, boosts NAD+ levels and has its own health benefits such as aiding in insulin production and glucose tolerance.

NMN is more easily absorbed into the bloodstream than NAD+, suggesting it may be more efficient as a supplement. While NAD+ might have stronger effects on mental health, NMN could have a more significant impact on physical health.

David Sinclair suggests that NMN supplements seem more effective at increasing NAD levels based on his scientific tests, therefore he prefers NMN.

Vitamin D3. Vitamin K2. Omega-3 fatty acids

Sinclair has expressed the importance of them for overall health. Although Sinclair hasn’t specified the brands or exact quantities of these vitamins he uses, a supplement that combines Vitamin D3 (5000 IU) and Vitamin K2 (100 mcg) is a common choice for individuals pursuing a similar health regimen.


A prescription drug used for diabetes, but taken off-label for its potential anti-aging effects. David includes the diabetes medication metformin in his supplement routine due to its potential anti-aging properties. He typically takes 800 mg of metformin at night, but he has previously mentioned taking a dose of 1000 mg in his book. However, on days when he plans to exercise, he might choose to skip the metformin, as it can reduce workout stamina, testosterone, and hinder significant muscle growth.

Quercetin and Fisetin

David Sinclair takes 500 mg of Quercetin and 500 mg of Fisetin once per day in the morning. However, the opinion expressed is to prefer a lower dose of fisetin (100 mg) taken continuously instead of higher doses once a month. He favours fisetin over quercetin due to more extensive longevity studies, including mouse studies demonstrating its lifespan-extending effects. These molecules are considered “senolytics,” potentially clearing away senescent cells, but their impact on lifespan extension is believed to be attributed to other effects such as reducing inflammation.


David includes a low dose of aspirin in his daily routine, taking 83 milligrams every morning. Aspirin is known to potentially lower the risks of heart attacks, cancer, and inflammation, making it a logical choice for Sinclair given his family history of cardiovascular disease.

However, it’s crucial to note that while a modest dose of aspirin is believed to have beneficial effects on inflammation, heart health, and potentially cancer, it’s typically recommended as a preventative measure for those with cardiovascular conditions or a high risk of stroke.

Melatonin and GABA

David mentioned that it is interesting that in some countries, like Australia where he is originally from, melatonin is not available for purchase. He finds it amusing that it’s readily available in his current location, despite it being a hormone. Therefore, he is reducing his melatonin intake and adopting alternative methods to aid his sleep. Currently, his main reliance is on GABA, L-theanine, and occasionally using magnesium if necessary.

GABA at iHerb


Sinclair takes statins due to a family history of cardiovascular disease. Statins lower cholesterol levels, thereby potentially reducing cardiovascular disease in high-risk individuals. Sinclair started this medication in his early 20s and reportedly maintains excellent heart health. However, statins may not suit everyone and can have side effects. Sinclair has also mentioned PCSK9 inhibitors as a potential future longevity treatment.

Coenzyme Q10

David Sinclair takes Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in conjunction with his daily statin prescription. This is because statins can potentially deplete CoQ10 levels, and taking this supplement may help maintain heart health and extend lifespan.

CoQ10 has been shown to prevent neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, progressive supranuclear palsy, and other forms of dementia. It may also benefit certain heart conditions, including heart failure, fat accumulation in the arteries, and coronary artery disease.

David Sinclair’s daily routine

David’s day starts between 6:00 and 6:30 AM with answering emails and preparing for meetings, which occupy his mornings. He kickstarts his day with a spoonful of yogurt, olive oil or metformin, and hot tea or coffee.

His afternoons are equally busy with work, although he prioritizes exercise despite his hectic schedule. He maintains fitness with regular push-ups, walks, treadmill runs, and occasionally indulges in cold therapy after workouts. During weekends, he enjoys watersports and nature walks around his home. He tries to walk as much as possible.

Evenings see Sinclair enjoying a light dinner, typically a fish dish or a salad, sometimes accompanied by a glass of red wine. He values cold therapy and often sleeps with the window slightly ajar.

Unlike Sadhguru, David Sinclair advocates a scientific, one might even say scientistic, Western approach to longevity. My research indicates that Sadhguru has achieved significant success in combating aging, but David is hot on his heels. Sadhguru tends to work more through the psyche, soul, and physical exercise, while David operates through pharmacology, though he too practices fasting and exercise. If someone prefers the Western approach, then their choice should be David Sinclair.

David mentions that he maintains a careful equilibrium between muscle mass growth, overall health, and rejuvenation – unfortunately, an excessive and rapid increase in muscle mass can instigate aging. Although David is fit, he is not excessively muscular. Those who take growth hormones and/or testosterone may experience immediate growth, strength, and a boost in mood, but their bodies tend to age faster, which is corroborated by various tests.

You can follow David’s posts on his social media:
as well as hiw website:


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